The purpose of the International Olive (Olea europaea) Genome Consortium (IOGC) is to sequence the whole genome of olive and identify the nature of the plant in every aspects.
Dokuz Eylul University
Researcher: Turgay Unver (PI)
Ankara University
Balıkesir University
Researchers: Wu Zhangyan, Yang Ming , He Lijuan, Deng Tianquan, Yang Huangming, Wang Jian
University of Cordoba
Researcher: Gabriel Dorado (Management committee member)
Cankiri Karatekin University
Researchers: Mine Turktas, Arif Ipek
East Carolina University
Gaziosman Pasa University
Researcher: Iskender Parmaksiz
Ghent University
Researchers: Yves van de Peer, Lieven Sterck, Rolf Lohaus
Mustafa Kemal University
Researchers: Emre Ilhan, Mustafa Erayman
Genomics and Bioinformatics Platform of Andalusia (GBPA)
Researcher: Francisco Javier Escalante
Southern Illinois University
Researcher: David Lightfoot
University of First Mohammad
Researchers: Hassan Ghazal, Oussama Badad